I am just coming to the end of a Lead Generation project for a new Client that I started working with back in October 2020. Of all the projects I have completed on behalf of my Clients, I have enjoyed this one the most and here’s the reason why…I got to talk about me and my Business!! Let me explain:
Since starting my Business in 2018, I have always worked on behalf of one Client at a time. I have taken on the role of a Member of THEIR Team, with a specific email address and have always introduced myself as “Leisa, from…” In taking this approach, I have at no point mentioned the name of my Business or what I do as I thought the approach was best to come from my Client via me rather than from me and Find me the Leads® directly.
This latest project has changed my thinking for one simple reason, I have been asked the question: “so what do you do?” to which I have allowed myself to answer “I have my own Business representing a number of amazing brands” to which the response has been “ooh, what else have you got?” – a bit like Del Boy being asked to reveal the contents of his suitcase.
This approach has really enabled me to put the customer rather than the Client at the heart of my process and build closer relationships with them based on their wants and needs. It has also facilitated a more efficient way of working not only for me and my Business but for my Client.
Find me the Leads® benefits:
- One email address which is my own
- One conversation on behalf of multiple brands
- Find me the Leads® is at the forefront of conversations
- Closer relationships with Buyers and retailers
- Better time efficiencies
Client benefits:
- One email means a quicker response and removes additional cost of setting up an additional account
- One conversation generates a more honest response and facilitates constructive feedback
- My brand rather than their brand means less expectation for me to have all the answers and opens the door for my Client to get involved in the conversation and build ongoing relationships
- Closer relationships mean better results for Clients as I become a trusted source for awesome products which add value and drive sales
- Improved time efficiencies mean more competitive cost structures for Clients
By adopting the Del Boy approach to Lead Generation, from now on I will be representing up to 5 noncompeting brands at the same time, twice a year for a 3-month period. The projects will run in line with the buying cycles: January – March for Spring/Summer listings, May – July for Autumn/Winter listings.
I cannot wait to get started with this new way of working and already have 3 brands signed up for my first Del Boy Project in May.
So…don’t be a plonker, get in touch to find out more and join me as I head out with my suitcase!!